Brand Identity
Premium roast update
Coffee Del Rey approached us with a desire to freshen up their identity. The new owner was looking to add a more current vibe to the little roastery's brand – in conjunction with her plans to update the decor within the shop. The "Trinity" element of the original logo remained important to the company's cause-based business model, so we approached the redesign with careful consideration to that motif. Early concepts explored more modern graphic styles while incorporating variations on the original three-point design.

Original Logo

Concept Designs

Coffee Del Rey was started with charitable giving as it's primary goal – with a portion of the profits going to worthy regional causes like The North Texas Food Bank's Food 4 Kids program. In addition, international purchasing decisions are made with a focus on small farms, community & education programs, and socially responsible growers around the world.

Final Mark
CDR opted to include a version that used their original tagline – keeping the cause-based aspects of the company prominent. Packaging concepts, signage, and other in-store applications were explored in the final presentation to the client.